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Auto Insurance

Protecting What Matters

Auto Insurance.

•  Car Insurance

•  Motorcycle Insurance

•  Classic Car Insurance

•  Commercial Vehicles

Personal Auto  Insurance

Florida state law does require PIP, in addition to Property Damage Liability coverage with a minimum limit of $10,000. It is advised that you get at least the minimum Bodily Injury Liability coverage.  However, there are a variety of coverages and deductibles that can create premium discounts as well as cater to your personal needs. Also, we can give you tips on how to save and add discounts  when you have teenagers, new drivers, want to upgrade your vehicles or simply need a new quote with another carrier.

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance is one of the most important insurance policies to get right the first time.  This insurance program provides coverage to, not just your business auto, but also for your employees auto used for business purposes, and also auto that are rented or hired. The insurance coverages may include liability, physical damage, PIP, UM, towing, roadside assistance, car rental expense and more.

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