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The Team you need to succeed!


What we offer: 

  • Technical expertise in the insurance market.

  • Commitment to the highest quality of service.

  • Solid relations with numerous international and local insurance companies.

  • Continuous development and support.

  • Dynamic, positive work environment.

  • Attractive commissions

  • Salary plus benefits commensurate with your skills and potential.


What we are looking for:

  • Independent agents and captive agents.

  • 2-20 Florida Licensed General Lines Agent

  • Interested in developing business through hard-work and agency-provided targeted marketing.

  • Customer-focused, honest, dedicated professional.

  • Contact us today to see how Accurate Insurance Group can help you maximize your business potential.

Employer Solutions

Accurate Insurance Group provides comprehensive and reliable insurance products and professional services custom-made for the Florida business community. Whether you’re entity is public or private, large or small, the insurance experts at Accurate Insurance Group can develop a plan to keep your venture running smoothly and your employees motivated.

Considering Florida’s competitive job market, it’s important to foster the best work environment possible in order to attract leading talent to your workforce. Accurate Insurance Group’s employee solutions allow you to do just that, without having to allocate resources to handle the extra workload.

In addition to customizing an insurance program, such as group health, life and general liability, for your business, we also provide professional services like payroll administration and 401K management.

See how our human resource and professional services can work for your business. Give us a call today or submit a online application and let Accurate Insurance Group help you foster a winning work environment.

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