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Accurate Insurance Group

Accurate Insurance Group, Corp opened its doors in 2007, with the mission of providing the most competitive Personal, Commercial, & Employer Solutions insurance packages with elite coverage for our insured.  Accurate Insurance Group is able to provide our insured with coverage expertise, fast processing technology, exceptional claims experience and outstanding customer service.  We pride ourselves on honesty, integrity and accuracy.

We specialize in tailoring your insurance coverage to meet your individual and/or family’s needs. Whether you have teen drivers, substantial assets to protect, or are just starting out in adult life, we have the perfect markets available for you. Considering we’re an independent agency, we have the ability to market with numerous insurance carriers providing great rates with adequate coverage.


 Please use our website for numerous reasons like:

  • how to file a claim with your insurance company 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • You can also use our website to link to company sites so that you can pay your bill online.
  • General questions, policy inquiries, coverage information, policy effective/expiration dates.

Whether you need commercial insurance for your small business, homeowners insurance for your property, or auto insurance for your new car, Accurate Insurance Group pledges to provide affordable insurance options for you, your friends and family.

 With our office conveniently located in Miami, Accurate Insurance Group commitment to outstanding customer care and comprehensive insurance coverage is right around the corner.

 Accurate Insurance Group is also a proud member of LAAIA (Latin American Association of Independent Agents).

 Call today to learn why Accurate Insurance Group is one of Florida’s top independent insurance agencies.


Accurate Insurance Group brings experience and dedication to protecting what matters most

For over 25 years, ACCURATE INSURANCE GROUP has been serving the Florida community with:


  • Personalized advice based on your specific needs.
  • Quick attention and response: we know how valuable your time is.
  • Significant savings on your insurance policy.
  • An extensive alternative of reputable companies in order to choose the one that best fits your needs.
  • The highest level of integrity and reliability.
  • Technical expertise.
  • Commitment to offering the utmost quality of service.
  • All Accurate Insurance Group personnel are fully bilingual (English/Spanish).
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